Open Positions
Urgent Searches
Engineering & Programming
CA - San Jose - Critical Facilities BAS Engineer
FL - Pensacola - BAS Engineer (3-5 years experience)
GA - Atlanta - Programmer/Engineer (home automation)
KY - Louisville - Programmer/Engineer (Tridium/Alerton)
NE - Omaha - Critical Facilities Project Engineer
TN - Knoxville - BAS Engineer
TN - Nashville - Sr. BAS Engineer
TX - Austin/DFW - BAS Programmer (line code)
TX - Austin/DFW - BAS Submittal Engineer
TX - DFW - Tridium/Niagara Experienced Engineer
VA - Manassas - Critical Facilities Project Engineer
WA - Seattle - BAS Engineer
USA - Remote - Senior Integration Engineer
Operations Leadership
CA - San Diego - General Manager
IN - Indianapolis - Applications Engineering Manager
TN - Nashville - Service Operations Director
WA - Seattle - General Manager
Project Management
IA - Cedar Rapids - Sheet Metal PM
IL - Chicago - Critical Facilities PM
WA - Wenatchee - Security PM
FL - Jacksonville - BAS Sales Engineer
FL - Miami - BAS Sales Engineer
FL - Miami - Critical Environments / Lab Sales Engineer
FL - Sales Engineer / Regional Territory Manager
IL - Chicago - BAS Sales Engineer
OH - Columbus - BAS Sales Engineer
TN - Nashville - Sales Engineer / TN Territory Manager
TN - Memphis - BAS Sales Engineer
WA - Seattle - BAS Sales Engineer
Technician & Specialist
CA - San Diego - BAS Technician
CA - San Jose - Critical Facilities BAS Technician
CT - BAS Service Technician
RI - BAS Service/Installation Technician
FL - Miami - BAS Technician
FL - Miami - Critical Environments / Lab Technician
GA - Atlanta - BAS Technician
LA - Shreveport - BAS Technician
MT - Kalispell - BAS Technician
NC - All Cities - BAS Technicians
NE - Omaha - Critical Facilities BAS Technician
OH - Columbus - BAS Technician
OR - Portland - BAS Technician
SC - All Cities/Regions - BAS Technicians
TN - Nashville - BAS Technician
TX - Austin/DFW - HVAC Technician
TX - Dallas - BAS Technician
UT - Salt Lake City - Technical Solutions Specialist
VA - Newport/Hampton - Lead Electrical Install Technician
VA - Hampton/Norfolk - HVAC Service Technicians
VA - Manassas - Critical Facilities BAS Technician
WA - Seattle - BAS Technicians
General Inquiries
We partner with building automation companies across the country to help them find top talent for their teams. Our most commons searches are for technicians, engineers, sales engineers and project managers. Not interested in an opportunity listed here? No problem! We place candidates in every state and metro from east coast to west. Just take a few minutes to fill out the form below and let us know exactly what you are looking for (type of position, geographic location(s), desired salary, etc.) and we will be in touch.